Advances in air filter design are helping improve efficiency and reducing the chance of fires for Facility Managers. Read more at “Air Filters: Advances in Design“.
Lower Electricity Rates
Here are a few helpful electricity tips for Facility Managers, “How To Lower Electricity Rates“.
Where To Get Started – Building IoT
A few helpful suggestions for Facility Managers in this article, “With All the Exciting Building IoT Technology, Where Do FMs Start?“.
Successful Facility Managers
Interesting article for Facility Managers, “What habits do successful Facility Managers share?“.
HFC Refrigerant Phase Out
Helpful article for Facility Managers, “What You Need To Know About the HFC Refrigerant Phase-Out“.
Indoor Environment and Health
Interesting article for Facility Managers, “How The Indoor Environment Affects Wellness and Health of Occupants.”
After Hours Energy Management
Helpful tips for Facility Managers on after hours energy management in this article, “Energy Management After Hours”.
Building Automation in IoT World
Interesting article for Facilities Managers, “Where Does the Building Automation System Fit In An Internet of Things World?“.
Calculate Financial Value of Efficiency Related Capital Investments
The calculator from Energy Star analyzes the financial value of efficiency-related capital investments in commercial facilities. Read more.
How IT & Facilities Management Can Collaborate
Interesting article on how IT and Facilities Management can work together, “IT and Facilities Management: Case Study In How To Collaborate Successfully“.